By Claire
One of our favorite places for breakfast is at IKEA. Luckily for us, we have one within 15 minutes of home. We've been anticipating this event for several weeks with the idea that we will get thoroughly immersed in the IKEA restaurant here at home and then try breakfast at all the IKEAs throughout Europe and compare. Yes, they even have one in Istanbul.
Upon entering this delectable place, you immediately notice the big photo ad enticing you to get their $1.99 breakfast.
Next, as the anticipation grows, you make your way up the escalator to the cafeteria.
Now we're talking. This amazing breakfast of scrambled eggs, french toast, potatoes and bacon is only $1.99! Amazing and really good (we shun the $.99 breakfast--no french toast). The coffee is another $.99; but what a bargain!
After this satisfying meal we made our way to the Airport for a dry run to see if our carry-on luggage would really qualify. We couldn't have picked a better day. We were parked, on the shuttle, in the terminal and back to our car in less than 30 minutes. Apparently we can each really take a bulging backpack as well as a bulging, small duffel bag. Now we just have to figure out how to wrestle two giant rolling bags each with everything we need for a year along with the backpack and the duffel. We will be patient and take our time. I think that's the only way.
Stay tuned for another exciting update on packing.
There are only two kinds of luggage: carry-on and lost. ~Peter Greenberg
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